Green Impact 2016

The table below shows the estimated annual Green Impact of each project funded by the proceeds of the SMBC Green Bond. The Green Impact of each renewable energy project is shown in terms of CO2 emissions reduction.

as of MAR.31 2016

Area Category Capacity Estimated Annual CO2
emissions reduction (tCO2)
Renewable Energy Wind 1,367MW 2,201,818 t-CO2
Biomass 433,953 t/pa 47,978 t-CO2
Solar 60MW 10,318 t-CO2
Total CO2 reduction 2,260,113 t-CO2
  1. Note1:
    Estimated Annual Green Impact is calculated by the Japan Research Institute, using SMBC inputs and data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the GHG Protocol, the Cabinet Secretariat and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
  2. Note2:
    The calculations do not account for the percentages of project financing (share of financing) attributable to SMBC as a proportion of total project cost.