Reduction of Environmental Impacts

The three pillars of the environmental activities of the SMBC Group are Promotion of Environmental Businesses, Management of Environmental Risks, and Reduction of Environmental Impact. Each group company sets targets for Reduction of Environmental Impact and implements diverse measures.

Management Approach

SMBC Group's Approach

Having recognition of social issues, in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, SMBC group has set forth a long-term vision toward 2050 that we as a global financial group will promote financial services consistent with the country's goals to counter global warming, and contribute to global environmental protection by leveraging its financial functions.

Group Environmental Policy
Promotion of Environmental Businesses
Management of Environmental Risks
Reduction of Environmental Impacts

Group Environmental Policy

Basic concepts

Recognizing the importance of realizing a sustainable society, SMBC Group is continuously making efforts to harmonize environmental preservation and pollution control with corporate activities, in order to support the economy and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.

Group Environmental Policy

  • Based on this policy, SMBC Group strives to resolve environmental issues and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
  • This policy is established to make continuous efforts toward the environment, recognizing it as one of the materiality of SMBC Group. This policy is approved by the Board of Directors.
  • We offer financial products, information and solutions which contribute to the maintenance and improvement of both the global and local environment, as well as technological innovation, to support our clients deal with environmental issues.
  • We properly assess environmental risks to reduce that risks posed by our own activities and the society.
  • We strive to reduce negative environmental impact through the conservation of resources and energy, and the reduction of waste.
  • We strictly comply with environment-related laws and regulations.
  • We actively and effectively implement this policy by setting goals and targets for every fiscal year. We monitor and evaluate the status of their implementation and make continuous efforts to improve our system.
  • We regularly report to the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Committee on the status of environmental initiatives.
  • We place high priority on thoroughly educating our executives and staff about our environmental principles to ensure that they conform to these principles in the performance of their work.
  • We strive to implement this policy by disclosing the Group’s environmental activities and communicating with our staff as well as the third parties.
  • We create a financial flow consistent with the Paris Agreement and contribute to an orderly and just transition to a decarbonized society, while strengthening climate actions and striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • We make decisions recognizing the interplay between SMBC Group and nature, promote the conservation and restoration of natural capital, and strive to realize nature positive initiatives.
  • This policy is disclosed on the Group's website, and the printed version is available upon request.
Environmental Policies of SMBC Group Companies

SMBC Group's Environmental Management

  • SMBC Group's environmental management is based on our environmental policy and ISO14001. As for our financial services, we promote our business based on international principles such as UN Global Compact and the Equator principles.
  • SMBC Group regards three pillar points in Group Environmental Policy: "Environmental Business" "Environmental risk" and "Reduction of Environmental Impacts". Every year, we set environment targets for, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving resources and promotes global warming countermeasures, in accordance with the PDCA cycle.

In 1998, SMBC was the first bank in Japan to obtain the environmental management certification of ISO14001. Since then, it has been expanded to the group companies and continued to be operated, and the certification has been maintained through an examination by an external organization. Although certification has been withdrawn since October 2019, we have continued our own EMS that meets the requirements of ISO14001 and continue to promote environmental efforts.

From fiscal 2021, we have been strengthening our environmental management system furthermore. In particular, under the oversight of Group CSuO (Chief Sustainability Officer), we have integrated our environmental management including GHG (Greenhouse Gas) reduction to the activities of the Operational GHG Reduction Working Group, and have been implementing the PDCA cycle with further maneuverability, based on our Roadmap Against Climate Change. To achieve our 2030 net zero operations target, SMBC Group will continue making efforts to resolve climate change and other environmental issues.

Moreover, SMBC Group is holding a training program called the “Sustainability University” in an annual basis for all employees, to cultivate more and more awareness on environmental issues and sustainability.

SMBC Group Environmental Data

SMBC Group

SMBC Group is working to further promote environmental activities by its visualization. As a part of this process, we have been disclosing environmental data from company office activities. We are obtaining third-party certification of our data from the Japan Quality Assurance Organization. SMBC is disclosing its environmental accounting data as well.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy use

Reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions

SMBC Group

SMBC Group has set a goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in our operations and is actively working towards this target. To realize this, we are focusing on reducing GHG emissions primarily by switching to renewable energy-sourced electricity through the use of non-fossil certificates for our business operations. For emissions that cannot be reduced, we will offset the remaining amount by purchasing credits, thereby achieving net-zero emissions.

Compliance with Amended Energy Saving Act


SMBC is advancing its efforts to comply with the Energy Conservation Act of Japan, which mandates companies (business operators) with an annual energy consumption (in crude oil equivalent) of 1,500 kiloliters or more to establish an energy management system, create medium to long-term plans, and achieve a reduction in energy consumption per unit by at least 1% per year, as well as measures contributing to the leveling of electricity demand. In addition to fulfilling these obligations, the bank is also working on reducing energy consumption at each business site through management and operations based on the same law.

Publication of Carbon Reduction Report for Small and Medium-Sized Facilities


Global warming countermeasures at offices and branches in Tokyo are reported along with CO2 emissions in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Tokyo Carbon Reduction Reporting Program.