Basic Stock Information

Securities Code 8316
Listed Stock Exchanges Tokyo (Prime Market)
Nagoya (Premier Market)

Click here for the information regarding our American Depositary Receipt (“ADR”) listed on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”).

Date of Listing December 2002
One Unit of Share 100 shares*
Fiscal Year April 1 to March 31
Ordinary Annual General Shareholders' Meeting Late June
Record Dates for Dividends March 31 and, for interim dividends, September 30
Click here to see past dividend trends.
Record Date For the Regular Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: March 31
In other cases, we will set the record date as deemed necessary and post advance notice.
Newspaper for Official Notices Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei)
Shareholder Perks Not applicable
Stock Splits January 4, 2009 At a ratio of 100 shares for each share*
  • * Ordinary shares were split at a ratio of 100 shares for each share with a record date of January 3, 2009 and an effective date of January 4, 2009, in order to cease fractional share system in conjunction with the introduction of the electric share certificate system. At the same time, the unit share system was adopted on the effective date of stock split (January 4, 2009), and one unit of ordinary share was fixed at 100 shares.