• ork style reform Building a foundation for work styles that transform the diversity of employees into strength Work style reform Building a foundation for work styles that transform the diversity of employees into strength

SMBC Group is dedicated to implementing work style reforms that create an inspiring and motivating environment for all employees, including those with restricted hours. These reforms are designed to enhance overall productivity and ensure every team member thrives in their role.

Numerical results

To ensure the smooth implementation of work style reform initiatives, we have established targets for the rate of paid leave acquisition.

Target Achievement time FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Paid leave
acquisition rate
85% or more
FY2025 79.0% 80.2% 85.1%

Main initiatives for increasing productivity and motivation to work

Complying with laws and regulations and improving labor conditions

SMBC Group regularly monitors working conditions across its member companies to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We are committed to eliminating overtime work, improving the working environment, and reducing working hours. In line with our policy, each company strives to  adequately meet the equal-pay-for-equal-work requirement introduced in April 2020. Our goal is to maintain an environment where all employees, regardless of their employment status, can feel satisfied with their jobs.

Rectifying long working hours

Each company within SMBC Group regularly monitors overtime hours and the number of employees working long hours as part of our ongoing efforts to improve working conditions and eliminate excessive overtime.
At SMBC, we manage day-to-day working hours by recording the times employees log in and out of their PCs, allowing us to accurately track each individual's working hours. We have also established work intervals and set upper limits for working hours to promote a healthier work-life balance.
Additionally, we are leveraging robotic process automation (RPA) to enhance administrative efficiency and reduce long working hours. To further manage total work hours, we have implemented measures such as setting designated times for employees to leave the office and designating specific days when workers are encouraged to leave early.

Increase of productivity and job satisfaction

More flexible working hours

Group companies employ a variety of work styles, including flextime, staggered start times, variable working hours, and specialist/project team discretionary working arrangements.
Additionally, SMBC Nikko Securities has introduced a three-/four-day work week system, establishing flexible work arrangements that align with the lifestyles and responsibilities of individual employees.

Work site flexibility

We have implemented a "Work from Home" system and are actively rolling out satellite office* options.
*Satellite offices refer to office spaces established within a facility or external office spaces for which a usage contract has been signed.

  • * Office space established inside a facility, or external office space for which a usage contract has been signed.

Outside side jobs

Sumitomo Mitsui Card Company and SMBC Finance Services also allow sidejobs, including employment at other companies, with the aim of supporting independent pursuit of challenges and generating innovation through the formation of personal networks and the broadening of values.

Flexibility on work attire

We are committed to reforming our corporate culture to create an environment that encourages taking on new challenges without being constrained by precedent or conventional thinking. To support this, we have introduced a "Dress Code Free" policy, allowing employees to freely choose their attire in accordance with the time, place, and occasion (TPO).

Creating more innovative workplaces

In September 2017, SMBC Group established "hoops links tokyo" an innovation space located in Shibuya, Tokyo. This initiative brings together a diverse group of individuals from start-ups, larger firms, government, academia, research institutions, and NPOs. The aim is to forge connections that support the creation of dynamic, innovative businesses and services, with a focus on addressing societal issues.


External evaluation and accreditation

5 stars awarded in the 6th Nikkei "Smart Work Management" survey

In November 2022, SMFG was awarded 5 stars in the 6th Nikkei "Smart Work Management*" survey conducted by Nikkei Inc.

  • * "Smart Work Management" refers to maximizing the potential of workers through varied and flexible work styles, and developing strategies to maximize productivity and the broader performance of the organization using positive feedback loops, thereby fostering innovation and new market development.

Recognition and Accreditation