4. Completing repayment of public funds

Having posted a record high of 686.8 billion yen in consolidated net income for fiscal year 2005 (ended March 2006), SMFG began in the following fiscal year to engage in the repayment of public funds injected in the past.

The company obtained approval of a limited amount for acquiring its own shares at two ordinary general shareholders’ meetings, held in 2005 and 2006. The company bought back preferred shares and debentures beginning in May 2006. In October 2006, the injected public funds were fully repaid, which was 18 months ahead of the schedule submitted to the government.

On the day when the full repayment was fulfilled, SMFG issued a press release to report the fact and express its appreciation for the taxpayer-funded aid. The company also emphasized its unbending resolution to establish itself as a financial institution that can honor the utmost confidence of customers, shareholders, the market and society.

Timeline for full repayment of public funds
Timeline for Full Repayment of Public Funds