2. Renewing our corporate mission and medium- to long-term vision

In April 2020, SMBC Group announced the latest revision of its mission statement, adding a new sentence saying, “we contribute to a sustainable society by addressing environmental and social issues.” This revision was made to clearly express the Group’s commitment to engaging with society as an important stakeholder, along with customers, shareholders, and employees.

The firm’s Five Values, the values shared across the Group, were also revised. The new element “Integrity” was added to call for every member of the workforce to “as a professional, always act with sincerity and a high ethical standard.”

In connection with this revision, a new medium- to long-term vision was presented in the Medium-Term Management Plan put forth in April 2020. The company aims to be “a trusted global solution provider committed to the growth of our customers and advancement of society.” To achieve this vision, the Group has specified three themes to focus on: being data-oriented, building platforms, and becoming a solutions provider.

Mission & Vision & Five Values
Mission & Vision & Five Values
Core Policy of the Medium-Term Management Plan(FY2020-2022)
Core Policy of the Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2020-2022)